X-ray imaging

X-ray imaging is like creating a shadow using a light source and any object. When light shines on the object, the amount of light coming through the object will depend on the transparency of that object. With visible light, the shadow of a clear glass is very faint while the shadow of a rock of the same dimension is dark. This difference comes from the difference between the transparency of different objects. The same principle applies to x-ray imaging. The interesting property of x-rays is the ability to penetrate through human body. The penetration ability through an object or human body depends on the energy of x-rays; higher energy x-rays can penetrate through more tissue. For the same energy x-rays, penetration through the bone or through the muscle will be different (similar to light’s transmission through glass or rock). So, if we shine x-rays on the human body, a region with bone structure will allow less penetration and a region of muscle will allow more penetration. When these x-rays are collected using an x-ray film or a digital detector, a difference will be seen in terms of the number of x-rays at two locations and this relative difference allows the structures in your body to be visualized as an x-ray image

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